Mining Engineering



"So from the time you wake each
morning to the time you have your
breakfast; mining has already played a
big part in your day."


The mining industry in Canada is an essential contributor to the development of jobs, it provides over 380,000 jobs for people across Canada.

Canada is one of the largest supply sectors in the world, it has over 3,400 companies giving services to the mining industry. Also, mining in Canada is one of the highest paid job in all industrial sectors.

The Toronto Stock exchange is the most prominent financial market for international mining.

Canada produces more than 60 metals and minerals: Zinc, Potash, Oil, Coal ,etc.

The mining industry is well-known for their advertisement of safety and sustainability towards companies. Working in the mines can be dangerous which is why mining industries spend a lot of money in the safety of their companies to ensure safe environment for their employees.

In 2016, Canada produced over
23.2 billion dollars worth of