
Hi my name is Patrycia. I am a social person who loves hanging out with her friends.I am also serious when time needs be. Lastly, I am a College student in her last semester and is excited to head to university.

A labrador mixed with beagle
Photo of a Labrador

This picture is very important to me because I had this exact breed when I was younger and living in rural New-Brunswick. I had him for many years and was my best friend.

College Classes that I love

A fun subject

Mathematics are a great part of my life. I love taking math courses and I expect to take some more in university going into Finance. I love the aspect of figuring out a problem with the knowledge and understanding of graphs , numbers, functions , derivatives etc.

Goals to reach

A financial Analyst

I wish to be a financial analyst after completing a 3 year program in university, preferably at Concordia University. I would also prefer to leave Montreal to go to Alberta just because I find it extremely peaceful and a great community that I see living in. My boyfriend and I are expecting to move over there for both our careers and we are ready for a change.

Sites frequently visited


